Content Item Teaser Preferences
It is possible to specify teaser display preferences for each Content Variant. Preferences for Content Item are inherited. For each variant it is possible to define:
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Contributors Top * | Boolean | Yes | Should contributors be shown in top of content items? |
Contributor In Opinion Piece Heading * | Boolean | Yes | Should title in opinion piece heading be prepended by the contributor? Only applicable when there is 1 contributor. |
Show Timestamp * | Boolean | Yes | |
Date Format * | String | Yes | Format date according to the directives in the given format string. Strftime format, e.g. "%B %d, %Y". |
Byline Type | String | No | either "name" or "avatar_and_name" |
Show Timestamp | Boolean | Yes | |
Show Excerpt | Boolean | Yes | |
Media Position | String | Yes | Where should teaser media be rendered? Either "left" or "right". |
Context Label Position | String | Yes | Where should the context label be rendered? Either "above_heading" or "below_heading". |