Curated Content Mixes
There are at least two different Curated Content Mixes. Each product will have a start page content mix and a recirculation content mix by default. Additonal content mixes can be set up for specific tag pages, category pages or for recirculation purposes on content items in specific categories.
A Curated Content Mix has two purposes. First it helps the editors find the Curated Content Lists that are related to a specific page or for recirculation. Secondly it’s a way to map those lists to a Curated Content Layout.
Each Curated Content Mix references a number of Curated Content Lists and a Curated Content Layout.
Start Page Content Mix
There is a default Content Mix for the start page.
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Layout | Reference to Curated Content Layout | Yes | References a Curated Content Layout to be used for this mix |
Lists | List of named references to Curated Content List | Yes | The reference name must be a key required by the Layout |
Recirculation Content Mix
Each product has one recirculation Content Mix. It works pretty much like any other Curated Content Mix. One difference is that a recirculation list will have access to the metadata for the context where it’s shown and may have selection rules that are based on relationship criterias (e.g “same section”, “similar tags”, “same content type” or “same partner”).
There is a default recirculation content mix that will be shown on all content items.
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Layout | Reference to Curated Content Layout | Yes | References a Curated Content Layout to be used for this mix |
Lists | List of named references to Curated Content List | Yes | The reference name must be a key required by the Layout |
Recirculation Content Mix for specific Categories
You may also define different mixes to be shown on Content Items in specific categories.
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Category | List of references to Category | Yes | |
Layout | Reference to Curated Content Layout | Yes | References a Curated Content Layout to be used for this mix |
Lists | List of named references to Curated Content List | Yes | The reference name must be a key required by the Layout |
Recirculation Mix Inside Article Content Items
You may define different mixes to be shown inside Article Content Items. The mix will be shown in a suitable position inside the article body.
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Render On Branded Content | Boolean | No | Turns rendering the position on or off on pages with branded content. Default is false. |
Layout | Reference to Curated Content Layout | Yes | References a Curated Content Layout to be used for this mix |
Lists | List of named references to Curated Content List | Yes | The reference name must be a key required by the Layout |
Tag Content Mixes
It is possible to set up additional Content Mixes to replace the default content item listing on Tag pages.
For each Content Mix the following needs to be specified:
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Tag | List of references to Tag | Yes | |
Layout | Reference to Curated Content Layout | Yes | References a Curated Content Layout to be used for this mix |
Lists | List of named references to Curated Content List | Yes | The reference name must be a key required by the Layout |
Category Content Mixes
It is possible to set up additional Content Mixes to replace the default content item listing on Category pages.
For each Content Mix the following needs to be specified:
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Category | List of references to Category | Yes | |
Layout | Reference to Curated Content Layout | Yes | References a Curated Content Layout to be used for this mix |
Lists | List of named references to Curated Content List | Yes | The reference name must be a key required by the Layout |