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Curated Content Layout

A Curated Content Layout consists of an ordered list of containers. Each container has a reference to either a curated content list or a predefined list.

Name Type Required Comment
Containers Array Yes An array of Container Objects. See separate definition.


Name Type Required Comment
Template String Yes The Information Design Template to use for this Container.
List String Yes A reference to Curated Content List or Predefined List.
Header Object No Container Header object. See separate definition.
Preferences Object No A Preferences Object. Will be sent to the container template.
Grid Preferences Object No A Preferences Object. Will be sent to the container grid.
Item Preferences Object No A Preferences Object. Will affect items in the template.
Offset Integer No Start offset in list.
Number Integer No How many items should be shown from the list.

An optional header for the container.

Name Type Required Comment
Heading String No
Sub Heading String No
Link Object No
Text String No
Class Names Array No An array of class names that should be applied to the header.

Where a Link is defined as:

Name Type Required Comment
Text String No
URL String Yes


Specific preferences that will be sent to the corresponding template.

Name Type Required Comment
Class Names Array No An array of class names.

Class Names is the only standardised preference. Different templates may accept other, specific, types of preferences as well.


    "template": "1_col_medium",
    "list": "featured",
    "header": {
      "heading": "A very nice heading",
      "sub_heading": "A perfect sub heading",
      "link": {
        "text": "All the good stuff",
        "url": "/all/good/stuff"
      "text": "This section contains all the best stuff we have on offer."
    "preferences": {
      "class_names": ["borderedBottom", "paddedBottom", "spacedBottomGutter"]
    "template": "1_to_4_col",
    "list": "predefined:children"
    "template": "1_to_4_col",
    "list": "news",
    "header": {
      "heading": "News",
    "preferences": {
      "class_names": ["paddedTopBottom", "brand_15"],
    "item_preferences": {
      "padded": true,
      "highlighted": true

There's still hope. Probably.