General Product Preferences
Misc. preferences that defines the product experience.
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Product Name | String | Yes | |
Content Item Lists Layout | String | Yes | Defines how content item lists are displayed generally throughout the product. Either "grid" or "list" |
Site Language | Reference to Content Language | Yes | |
Content Languages | List of references to Content Language | Yes | The first (or only) Content Language defined will be used as the default |
Facebook App ID | String | Yes | Account used for social sharing |
Cookie information url | String | Yes | Link to page where end user can find information about cookies |
Footer Information | String | No | A text shown in the footer |
Content Paywall | String | Yes | Either 'disabled', 'free_model' or 'premium_model' |
Subscription Product Identifier | String | No | A key that corresponds to a product that allows 'access to digital premium content' in Hopp Identity |
For more information about Content Paywall models: See the feature section about Premium Content.