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General Product Preferences

Misc. preferences that defines the product experience.

Name Type Required Comment
Product Name String Yes
Content Item Lists Layout String Yes Defines how content item lists are displayed generally throughout the product. Either "grid" or "list"
Site Language Reference to Content Language Yes
Content Languages List of references to Content Language Yes The first (or only) Content Language defined will be used as the default
Facebook App ID String Yes Account used for social sharing
Cookie information url String Yes Link to page where end user can find information about cookies
Footer Information String No A text shown in the footer
Content Paywall String Yes Either 'disabled', 'free_model' or 'premium_model'
Subscription Product Identifier String No A key that corresponds to a product that allows 'access to digital premium content' in Hopp Identity

For more information about Content Paywall models: See the feature section about Premium Content.

There's still hope. Probably.