Products & Packages
A product represents a “thing” a customer could access. It could be a printed magazine, a newsletter or online premium content. It has:
- A name
- An identifier that can be used when an external system (like the editorial part of the platform) asks if a specific customer has access.
- Requirements on a customer that wants to subscribe to it. Currently we only support “must have postal address”
A package defines access to Products. A package will have:
- A public name
- A public description
- A description/list of features
- A connection to one or several Products
- A price (optional)
- A validity period (integer, optional)
- A validity period unit (days, months, years)
- A currency
- A connection to a rollover package defining what happens to subscriptions after end of validity period (can be none, same or other) (optional)
- A country requirement that sets a restriction on country of residence for customers signing up for this package (optional)
- Archived state (meaning it will be hidden from public pages and lists)