Curated Content List
Manually Curated Content List
For each manually Curated Content List the following needs to be specified:
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Identifier | String | Yes | Unique identifier |
Name | String | Yes | Used in the editor UI |
Approximate Break Off Limit | Integer | Yes | A hint for the editor as to approximately how many teasers will be presented (at most) |
Allowed Entity Type | String | Yes | Defines what types of entities that are allowed in this list. Can be either 'Content Item' or 'Tag' |
Entity Filter | String | No | Defined a filter for what entitites an editor will be able to select in the UI. Either a specific 'Tag Group' or a 'Category' depending on the Allowed Entity Type |
Automated Content List
Automated lists will find Content Items based on a set of rules. There are both Relational Selection Rules and Explicit Selection Rules. The former only work in specific contexts like on a Content Item Page, a Tag Page etc. The latter is used to filter out specific content regardless of context. They can be used in combination. Read more about how they work in the Automated Lists feature description.
Name | Type | Required | Comment |
Identifier | String | Yes | Unique identifier |
Same Tag | Boolean | No | Used for relational selections. Only takes effect in certain contexts. |
Same Brand | Boolean | No | Used for relational selections. Only takes effect in certain contexts. |
Same Category | Boolean | No | Used for relational selections. Only takes effect in certain contexts. |
In Category | List of references to Category | No | Content Item must be in one of these Categories. |
Has Tag | List of references to Tag | No | Content Item must be have one of these Tags. |
Maximum Age Cutoff | Integer | No | Cutoff Content Items older than this number of days since update |
Similarity Threshold | Integer | No | Cutoff Content Items with lower similarity score than this |
Heed Similarity Score | Boolean | No | Should the list be sorted by similarity score before applying the normal order? |
Order | String | No | Either 'recency' or 'popularity' |
Predefined Lists
There’s one type of predefined list:
. This is a list of child items for tag or category pages. Only works in certain contexts.