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Content Blocks Field

  1. Paragraph Block
  2. Heading Block
  3. List Block
  4. Image Block
  5. Fact Block
  6. Quote Block
  7. Teaser Block
  8. Embed Block
  9. Map Position Block

Paragraph Block

A text paragraph. Allows basic formatting like bold, Italic and links.

Heading Block

A sub heading. Can be on levels h2-h4.

List Block

A list can either be bulleted or numbered. List items may contain basic formatting like bold, Italic and links.

Image Block

A custom block.

  • Image
  • Caption (defaults to the image asset caption, but can be overwritten)
  • Visual Preference (one of discreet, standard, prominent)

Fact Block

Probably a custom block.

  • Title
  • Paragraph Block(s)
  • List Block(s)

Quote Block

  • Paragraph Block(s)
  • Source
  • Image

Teaser Block

A reference to a Content Item.

Embed Block

Embed blocks makes in possible to insert third-party content (video, audio, images, tweets, etc.) from trusted sources. It’s possible to embed content from these sites:

  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Vimeo
  • Soundcloud
  • Spotify
  • Flickr
  • Polldaddy

… and a few more.

Map Position Block

This is a block that can define a geographical position.

  • A square bounding box as NE Coordinate + SW Coordinate (expressed as LatLng)
  • Caption

There's still hope. Probably.