Content Blocks Field
- Paragraph Block
- Heading Block
- List Block
- Image Block
- Fact Block
- Quote Block
- Teaser Block
- Embed Block
- Map Position Block
Paragraph Block
A text paragraph. Allows basic formatting like bold, Italic and links.
Heading Block
A sub heading. Can be on levels h2-h4.
List Block
A list can either be bulleted or numbered. List items may contain basic formatting like bold, Italic and links.
Image Block
A custom block.
- Image
- Caption (defaults to the image asset caption, but can be overwritten)
- Visual Preference (one of
Fact Block
Probably a custom block.
- Title
- Paragraph Block(s)
- List Block(s)
Quote Block
- Paragraph Block(s)
- Source
- Image
Teaser Block
A reference to a Content Item.
Embed Block
Embed blocks makes in possible to insert third-party content (video, audio, images, tweets, etc.) from trusted sources. It’s possible to embed content from these sites:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Soundcloud
- Spotify
- Flickr
- Polldaddy
… and a few more.
Map Position Block
This is a block that can define a geographical position.
- A square bounding box as NE Coordinate + SW Coordinate (expressed as LatLng)
- Caption