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Page Positions

A represenation of a position on a page. Not all positions are available on all page types. The following positions are currently supported out-of-the-box. Others may be added in layouts.

Page End

At page end (before footer). Available on all page types.
Key: page_end

Page Start

At page start (below site head). Available on all page types.
Key: page_start

Below Intro

Below intro. Only available on tag_page and category_page.
Key: below_intro

In Content

Injected after the second block in article body unless paywall is shown. Only available on content_item_article_page
Key: in_content

After Content

Injected after article body (before byline and meta data if present) unless paywall is shown. Only available on content_item_article_page
Key: after_content

There's still hope. Probably.